Staff bio: Sashah Elabd

Sashah Elabd, 15, is a rising sophomore at College Station High School. She is involved in many extracurricular activities, including theater, cross-country, track and student council.

During her freshman year, Sashah was the executive of the Earth and Environment Committee, a student council program. In this role, she encouraged other members to help with recycling drives to increase their awareness.

Sashah’s said her mother is a writer and that she encouraged her to attend this camp. Sashah said all of these activities are preparing her for life after high school. She said they push her out of her comfort zone and improve her leadership skills within the community. Broadcast journalists use these same skills, which is one area of journalism Sashah wants to pursue.

She is still deciding whether she wants to pursue written or broadcast journalism. Ultimately, her dream is to work for the New York Times. She said If she did pursue broadcasting, she would love to be in front of the camera rather than behind the scenes.