TCU High School Journalism Workshop

TCU High School Journalism Workshop

TCU High School Journalism Workshop

College students say clubs and organizations are fulfilling

TCU School of Journalism
Girls participate in Dance Marathon February 2017. Photo courtesy of Paige Megyesi

Going to class isn’t the only essential college activity, students say joining organizations are also a key to future success.

Being in a club or organization helps students gain valuable skills such as leadership, organization and multitasking, said Frank Johnson, a TCU senior who works in Student Development Services. He added clubs and organizations also allow students to be apart of a larger community.

Some incoming and current TCU students said they often join clubs that allow them to continue activities started in high school.

“I want to join a sorority for sure,” said Emma White an incoming first-year student. But she added she also would consider some sort of leadership group because that’s what she did as a student council member throughout high school.

Students are encouraged early on to find a group that fits them.

“We always tell people to just apply, because the worst thing that could happen if you apply is that they say no and you’re in the same position that you would be if they didn’t,”  said

Maddie Posz, a TCU student and orientation leader. “Go for it, it helps you get involved and makes it more like a home on campus.”

Another student, Paris Jones, said being in a group is a great way to meet new people and be open to new experiences.

Also, being in a group can prepare students for their career.

“Networking is the key to success, so being a part of a group can really help you succeed in the future,” Johnson said.

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